Sunday, October 5, 2008

Title: Gold Runner
Medium: Acrylic paint on canvas
Size: 14x25

Inspiration for today:

"When Love and Skill work together
expect a masterpiece.
-John Ruskin-

Saturday, October 4, 2008

This are some of our projects at home, craft paper bags, handmade greeting cards and more.
We also recycle those soft drink cans, plastik cups,
etc. & soon we will also post here some of our finish
products from recycle trash and video of art lesson"learn to earn".

We are making this project in order to support the Environmental Protection, Youth Development and Service for Peace.

Inspiration:"All nature is but Art,unknown to these;
All chance,direction,which thou canst not see.(Alexander Pope)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


"God has made everything beautiful in His time."

Before the creation of the first human being,the Original Creator made the earth and the universe.
In this earth He created everything with a variety of beautiful colors and design.
His original Artistic creation truely express His True Love and Care to mankind just like His own
Loving children.Everything that man needs already given by God in this beautiful earth.
Earth has made as One Home for mankind as One Family,and God ultimate desire for mankind is not
only by inheriting the Art of His external creation but also to inherit His Art of Character.