Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Heart Hunter

Medium: Oil paint on canvas.

Size: 12x14

" I was inspired to take this picture i found in the internet and painted it on canvas because i love nature very much, this photo perfectly show the love and peace b/w man and nature...even animals that have life have an understanding and expectations of cares, love, and even protection from us as the second creator of the highest origin.May this painting inspire people to help in caring nature and love the valuable beauty of original creations that have lives.

The Artist


lovespring said...

I believe that we can learn a lot from nature because it is our second parent that's why we often call it Mother Earth...so we should really take care of them in return... thanks for this painting...it's beautiful and it's inspiring...

Jorlan said...

You have a perfect believe...you touch my heart by your comment, we have a commonality in concerned with the mother nature.Thank you very much...